


Ambler Road Site Specific Land Use Plan


Release of Public Review Draft and

Public Comment Period

The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has issued the Public Review Draft (PRD) of the Ambler Road Site Specific Plan (SSP) for review and comment. 11 AAC 55.040(i) requires that land classification precede conveyance or leasing of state land, which is the purpose of this Site Specific Plan. Following the public review period, which may result in changes to the PRD, DNR intends to adopt the SSP. Once adopted, this plan will serve as the basis for the management of state lands and water within the planning area, which surrounds the proposed industrial road corridor. The planning area encompasses state owned and state- selected uplands that lie between the Brooks Range to the north, the Yukon River to the south, and between the Dalton Highway to the east, and the Northwest Area Plan boundary to the west. This plan includes a Land Classification Order (NC-21-001) that affects approximately 244,188 acres of state owned and state-selected lands.

Your written comments are encouraged during this public comment period. To facilitate your review and comment, the PRD is available online, and will be available in print format at the DNR offices in Anchorage and Fairbanks. Comments on the PRD must be received no later than April 1, 2022 by mail, email, fax, or through the online public comment portal,

To review and download an electronic version of the Public Review Draft of the Ambler Road Site Specific Plan, please visit the Ambler Road project website at:

For additional information contact:

Nina Brudie, Land Use Planner

Alaska Department of Natural Resources

550 West 7th Ave. Suite 1050

Anchorage, Alaska 99501-3579

Phone: (907)269-8529

Fax: (907) 269-8915




The State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.  Individuals with disabilities who may need auxiliary aides, services, or special modifications to submit a comment or participate in a meeting should contact the person(s) indicated above or contact the state TDD number (907)269-8411 seven days (7) in advance of the meeting to arrange accommodations.

Attachments, History, Details



Revision History

Created 1/31/2022 2:52:25 PM by nmbrudie
Modified 2/24/2022 12:18:48 PM by nmbrudie


Department: Natural Resources
Category: Public Notices
Location(s): Anchorage, Central Region, Fairbanks, Interior Region, Kotzebue, Statewide
Project/Regulation #:
Publish Date: 1/31/2022
Archive Date: 4/2/2022